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About Us

Vergo Speed Industries will work to support the transformation of internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles to electric vehicles (EV) through the development of ancillary parts. VSI is committed to making a sustainable and clean future for all current and future generations. Competition and motorsports are sure to remain in our culture, but as the world shifts to sustainable low-emission energy sources, so must the motorsports world. VSI believes the future of EV motorsports is bright.


New technologies will be required to make the transformation viable. The automotive performance aftermarket is a strong market that has taken much time and R&D to achieve, but many “consumer pitfalls” have presented themselves in this time.

VSI aims to provide the missing link between EV hardware providers and end users. 


Our Core Values:


EV’s are the future - the more on the road/track the better. Support the community.


Sustainability with minimal impact to surroundings - reducing carbon footprint, emissions from operations, consumables, etc… EV’s are part of a greater shift.


Honesty - Products must work as intended/engineered.


Kaizen - Continuous improvements don’t stop. All products and processes.


Don't be afraid to ask if the question is wrong - Ask the less wrong questions and spend time on those that are more beneficial for the goal of the team.

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